Post Mastectomy Recovery

Post Mastectomy Recovery

Weeks 1 & 2

Do nothing – you need to rest. Your body has been through a lot and has done so much for you.

Don’t strain, and don’t walk too much, just enough to prevent clots from forming in your legs. Do not carry more than 3kg (6.5 lbs). You can bathe when your doctor indicates – normally after 48 hours – but even when you do, you will need help and should bathe very quickly.

Do not raise your arms higher than your shoulders or make any effort that bothers your pectorals. You will need to sleep sitting up and keep your head elevated most of the time.

It is normal to get frustrated because you cannot bathe, wax or style your hair as you’d like.

Week 3

You can perform very light exercise. Listen to your body and see how you feel.

Continue to wear the compression bra at all times, except when bathing.

The surgical glue will start to fall off the wound, and you can start massaging it with coconut oil to soften and flatten it.

Weeks 4 & 5 

Continue wearing the bra at all times. You can now return to doing most normal activities and light exercise that does not activate your pectorals or chest. In my case, the doctor gave me permission to start my physical therapy after 1 month. I strongly suggest that you attend if you can. If you can’t, I’ve listed here the exercises that I did. Physical therapy has helped me a lot to regain my mobility. I would even have liked to start them earlier to be more familiar with my pecs.

Week 6

Now you can start doing push and pull exercises to activate your pecs. 

Month 3

You can now wear a bra with underwire. Continue your scar massaging routine.