Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy

I highly recommend starting physical therapy when your doctor gives you the green light. It is a process that has helped me a lot to regain my strength, to become familiar with the implants, and to feel comfortable exercising my pectorals. I even wish I had started BEFORE the surgery to better prepare myself.

Here, I share with you the exercises that I did week by week. Listen to your body and do it calmly, don’t try too hard, and be careful if you do not have a specialist to guide you.

Weeks 1 & 2

Wand Flex

A person lying on a bed

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Lying on your back and holding a wand or cane, slowly raise the wand towards overhead until you feel a stretch. Hold for 3 seconds, then lower down slowly. Repeat 10 times, 2 sets, once daily.

Scapular Retractions

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Seated in a chair or at the edge of your bed, draw your shoulder blades back and down, keeping your shoulders away from your ears and pinching your shoulder blades together. Hold. Slowly release to start position. Repeat 10 veces, 2 sets, once daily.

Wall Walks

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  1. Stand facing the wall with your toes about 8 to 10 inches from the wall.
  1. Put your hands on the wall. Use your fingers to walk the wall, reaching as high as you can until you feel a stretch. Hold that top position for 7-10 seconds.
  1. Slowly slide your hand/arm to the starting position and repeat 5 to 7 times.
  1. The picture shows both arms going up at the same time, but you might find it easier to raise one arm at a time.
  1. Be sure you keep your shoulders dropped far away from your ears as you raise your arms. Keep your ears over your shoulders to avoid making your neck sore.

Week 3

Pec Stretch

A picture containing person, indoor, standing, young

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Place arms on the door way with your legs in a small stride. Slowly lean forward until a stretch is felt in the anterior/front portion of the shoulders. You can try this exercise from 3 different positions: with your arms up, in the middle, and lower to stretch the different fibers of the pectoral muscle.

Diaphragmatic Breathing

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While lying down on your back, place one hand on your breast bone/sternum and one hand on your abdomen near your navel.

Slowly take a deep breath in and focus on trying to get your hand on your stomach rise while the hand on your upper chest remains still.

As you breathe in, the hand on your stomach should rise. When you breath out, the hand on your stomach should lower. Repeat 10 times, 2 sets, twice daily.

Open Books

A person sitting in a room

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Lay on your side and place something under your head to keep your neck straight. Bring both knees to a 90 degree angle and have them even with your hips. Straighten your arms in front of your shoulders and have your palms touching. Finally make sure your shoulders are stacked evenly on top of each other. For most people, they will have to pull their bottom shoulder back to make this happen. This is your starting position. To begin the exercise, lift your top arm up and across your body until you reach your back side. Follow your moving hand with your eyes/head throughout the exercise. Exhale as you open and inhale as you close.

Bicep Curl

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Start with just your body weight, then you can add a small weight to start (5lbs) – Start with your arm straight down by your side – Slowly bend your elbow to “curl” your arm – Contract your bicep to initiate the movement – If done correctly, this should be felt in your bicep.

*You can perform both arms at the same time * 10 repetitions, 2 sets, 4 times per week

Chest Press

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Begin flat on back with knees bent. Begin with weights in hand, elbow bent at chest. Press towards ceiling straightening elbows. 10 repetitions, 2 sets, 4 times per week

Dumbbells – Overhead Press

A group of people in blue shirts

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Stand holding a dumbbell in both hands near the upper part of your shoulders with bent elbows as shown. Next, push the weight up and over your head, extending your elbows. Lower back down to near the upper part of your shoulders and repeat. 10 repetitions, 2 sets, 4 times per week

Dumbbells – Skull Crusher

A person lying in the legs of a person

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In a seated position on a bench, hold a dumbbell and then lie down on your back.

Start by holding the dumbbell over your chest with both hands cupping the end of the weight and with both elbows extended as shown. Your feet should be planted flat on the floor.

Next, slowly lower the weight towards OVER your head as you allow your elbows to bend. Your elbows should move from a straight position to a bent position. Try and allow only the elbow to cause the movement as opposed to the shoulder in order to focus on the triceps. Return to starting position and repeat. 10 repetitions, 2 sets, 4 times per week

Elastic Band External Rotation

A picture containing person, indoor, person, standing

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While holding an elastic band at your side with your elbow bent, start with your hand near your stomach and then pull the band away. Keep your elbow at your side the entire time. 10 repetitions, 2 sets, 4 times per week